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Product: Safetred Universal, Safetred Universal Plus, Safetred Spec

Tarkett Australia Pty Ltd

Safetred Universal, Safetred Universal Plus, Safetred Spec


Safetred Universal is a safety flooring for use in any heavy duty application where safety underfoot is a priority. Areas of application can include ramps and wheelchair areas. This product is available in 16 different colours and features a R11 slip resistance rating.

Safetred Universal Plus is suitable for use in more demanding areas such as busy commercial kitchens, food preparation areas and workshops which require a higher level of slip resistance. This product is available in 9 colours and has a R12 Slip resistance rating.

Safetred Spec is a heavy traffic vinyl flooring where slip resistance and ease of maintenance are key. Designed for use in areas such as bars, changing rooms and workshops. This product is available in 9 colours and has a R11 Slip Resistance Rating. Safetred Spec also features Safety Clean XP PUR reinforced surface for easy maintenance.

Safetred Ion is enhanced with particle based enhanced slip resistance with total thickness of 2mm and a total weight of 3467g/m2. This product is available in 14 different formats

Safetred Design also is rated as slip resistant R10 grip. The total thickness is 2mm and weighs 3529g/m2. The product is available in 23 different formats.

Certification Tag
Green Rate Result
  • GreenTag GreenRate Level A
    Under Renewal
  • GreenTag PHD PlatinumHEALTH
    Under Renewal


Health & Ecotoxicity

Life Cycle Analysis - Water

Life Cycle Analysis - Resources

Life Cycle Analysis - Greenhouse Gas

Corporate Social Responsibility

Ratings Tools

Construction Code Compliance

More information:

The product is GreenTag GreenRate Level A Certified under Scheme A7.

The products have successfully passed the relevant GreenTag Standard’s Cautionary Assessment Process and no issues of concern or red lights comments exist regarding the toxicity of the products.

Rating tools relevance:

Green Star® "Buildings" v1.0 Rating tool:
Credit 9: Responsible Finishes

Green Star® Australia "Design & As Built v1.3" Rating Tools Credits:
Credit 20: Responsible Building Materials (PVC)
Credit 21: Sustainable Products

Green Star® Australia "Interiors v1.3" Rating Tools Credits:
Credit 20: Responsible Building Materials (PVC)
Credit 21: Sustainable Products

Green Star® "Performance 1.2" Rating Tools Credit:
Refurbishment Materials

IWBI® WELL v1.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Features:
Feature 26 (Part 1)
Feature 97 (Part 1)
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
Feature 04 (Part 3)

IWBI® WELL v2.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Feature/s:
X07 (Parts 1, 3)
X08 (Part 2)
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
X01 (Part 1)
X05 (Part 2)
X06 (Part 2)
X07 (Part 2)
X08 (Part 1)

IS® v1.2:
Mat-1 Lifecycle Impact Measurement and Reduction
Mat-2 Environmentally Labelled Products and Supply Chain

IS® Design & As-Built v2.1:
Rso-6 Material Life Cycle Measurement and Management
Rso-7 Sustainability Labelled Products and Supply Chains
LEED® v4.0 and v4.1 Rating Tool Credit (PHD™ Available):
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimisation - Material Ingredients

Option 1: Material Ingredient Reporting and,
Option 2: International ACP - REACH Optimization

LEED® BD+C: New Construction v4.1 Rating Tool:
Environmental Product Declarations – Option 1. Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) & Option 2. Embodied Carbon/ LCA Optimization
Material Ingredients Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimisation - Material Ingredients - Option 1 - Material Ingredient Reporting and Option 2 - International ACP

LEED® BD+C – New Construction & LEED ID+C: Commercial Interior + Healthcare I Version 4.0
MR: Building product disclosure and optimisation – environmental product declarations – Option 1. Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and Option 2. Multi-attribute optimization
MR: Building product disclosure and optimisation – material ingredients - Option 1 - Material Ingredient Reporting and Option 2 - International ACP - REACH Optimization
MR: Building life-cycle impact reduction – Option 4. Whole-building life-cycle assessment

LEED® BD+C: Home v4 Rating tool:
Environmentally preferable products – Option 2. Environmentally preferable products

Earthcheck Rating Tool:
Sustainable Materials

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