Product: Asona Ultratone™ perforated GIB® plasterboard
Asona Ultratone™ perforated GIB® plasterboard
TOP 3 Benefits
- New Zealand Made
- Available in a range of perforation patterns
- High Acoustic Properties
Asona Ultratone™ is a perforated GIB® plasterboard panel designed for acoustic ceilings and wall linings. Made in NZ, Ultratone™ is manufactured in a range of perforation patterns and open areas to meet acoustic and aesthetic requirements.
Ultratone™ provides a durable perforated acoustic lining for control of unwanted noise reverberation in residential and commercial construction; open plan living and office spaces, meeting rooms, receptions, hallways, hotels, healthcare, retirement facilities, auditoria, libraries, halls, malls etc.
Panels are screw fixed and flush stopped to level 4 and painted on site for a monolithic appearance.
Health & Ecotoxicity
- Considered safe to use
- Issues of concern
- Low VOC levels
- No Toxicity Issues of Concern
Corporate Social Responsibility
- ≤10 year warranty
- All marketing environmental claims verified accurate
- Complies with relevant social and environmental laws of the country of operation
- Ethical supply chain
- Fit for Purpose certified
- Manufacturer take back policy
- Market Acceptance
- Replacement parts available
Ratings Tools
- Green Star AU - GBCA
- Green Star NZ - GBCNZ
- IS Rating - ISCA
- New Zealand Homestar
- WELL Features - IWBI
Construction Code Compliance
- Australian National Construction Code
- Australian NCC Materials Requirement Conformant
New Zealand Made
- Assembled in NZ from majority imported component
More information:
The product is GreenTag GreenRate Level A Certified under Scheme A21.
Issues of Concern/Red Lights (if needed) The products have successfully passed the relevant GreenTag Standard’s Cautionary Assessment Process and no issues of concern or red lights comments exist regarding the toxicity of the products
Rating tools relevance:
Green Star® Australia “Buildings” v1.0 Rating tool:
• Credit 9: Responsible Finishes
Green Star® New Zealand 'Design & As Built NZ' v1.1:
• Credit 21: Sustainable Products
Green Star® New Zealand 'Interiors NZ' v1.1:
• Credit 21: Sustainable Products
Green Star® New Zealand 'Performance NZ' v1.2:
• Credit 21: Procurement and Purchasing
New Zealand Homestar® v4.0 Rating Tool:
• MAT-1 Sustainable Materials
New Zealand Homestar® v5.0 Rating Tool:
• EN3 Sustainable Materials
IWBI® WELL v1.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
• Feature 04 VOC Reduction (Part 5)
IWBI® WELL v2.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
• X06 VOC Restrictions (Part2)
IS® v1.2:
• Mat-2 Environmentally Labelled Products and Supply Chain
IS® Design & As-Built v2.1:
• Rso-7 Sustainability Labelled Products and Supply Chains
Earthcheck Rating Tool:
• Sustainable Materials
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