Product: Ascent墙纸砖
Woven Image
Ascent Tile
- 健康和生态毒性
• 使用消费后回收内容
产品概述—Woven Image的Ascent Tile用无纺布成型的PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯)夹心板制成,并具有Mura饰面。它们有重量轻,挥发性有机化合物含量低,高度耐用,易于搬运和安装的特性。
Ascent Tile是一种装饰吸音砖系统针对内部建筑环境而设计,它可以提高声学质量(通过RMIT按照AS ISO 354-2006测试)和耐火性(通过AS 3837测试)。Ascent Tile包含67%的消费后再生PET含量,并由Woven Image回收计划支持。
消费后再生料: 67%
Health & Ecotoxicity
- Low VOC levels
- No Toxicity Issues of Concern
Life Cycle Analysis - Resources
- Post-consumer recycled content
Life Cycle Analysis - Emissions
- Low air emissions
- Low water emissions
Corporate Social Responsibility
- ≤5 year warranty
- All marketing environmental claims verified accurate
- Complies with relevant social and environmental laws of the country of operation
- Environmental Management System
- Ethical supply chain
- Fit for Purpose certified
- Manufacturer take back policy
- Manufacturer take back policy (verified)
- National Construction Code Materials Requirement
- Replacement parts available
Ratings Tools
- Green Star AU - GBCA
- WELL Features - IWBI
More information:
The product is GreenTag GreenRate Level A Certified under Scheme A21 .
The scope of certification includes the following designs and colourways:
Design: Ascent Tile, Fuji 6x12, Fuji 6x6, Fuji 9x9, Fuji 18x9
Colourways: 101, 124, 167, 269, 274, 330, 349, 365, 384, 402, 442, 444, 447, 454, 468, 487, 501, 542, 550, 551, 580, 660, 908.
This product is available in Australia, USA, UK, Europe, and South East Asia.
Rating tools relevance:
Green Star® Australia “Buildings” v1.0 Rating tool:
• Credit 9: Responsible Finishes
Green Star® Australia “Design & As Built v1.3” Rating Tools Credits:
• Credit 21: Sustainable Products
Green Star® Australia “Interiors v1.3” Rating Tools Credits:
• Credit 21: Sustainable Products
Green Star® Australia “Performance 1.2” Rating Tools Credit:
• Credit 21: Procurement & Purchasing (Refurbishment Materials)
IWBI® WELL v1.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Features:
• Feature 26 Enhanced Material Safety (Part 1)
• Feature 97 Material Transparency (Part 1)
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
• Feature 04 VOC Reduction (Part 5)
• Feature 11 Fundamental Material Safety (Part 1)
• Feature 25 Toxic Material Reduction (Part 2, 3, 4)
IWBI® WELL v2.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Feature/s:
• X07 Materials Transparency (Parts 1, 3)
• X08 Materials Optimization (Part 2)
Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:
• X05 Enhanced Material Restrictions (Part 1)
• X06 VOC Restrictions (Part 2)
• X07 Materials Transparency (Part 2)
• X08 Materials Optimization (Part 1)
IS® v1.2:
• Mat-2 Environmentally Labelled Products and Supply Chain
IS® Design & As-Built v2.1:
• Rso-7 Sustainability Labelled Products and Supply Chains
Earthcheck Rating Tool:
• Sustainable Materials
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